It's been a few months since I played through the game, but there are no direct commands given during the hypnosis at all. The hypnosis scenes are suggestions rather than commands: "Your boobs will grow bigger", "You will be more accepting of same sex relationships", or "You are in love with me".
The effects are not instant, there is no forced-sex hypnosis ("You will fuck me"), and all hypnosis scenes generally last only for 3-4 lines max before the girls (or MC) snap out of it.
Honestly, this story could have the plot device be anything and little would change, though one recurring plot point is the hypnosis effects are unknown to the person being hypnotized.
Itch doesn't actually care, which is cool of them.
The game isn't really about mind control, and that's why I mention the lack of nonconsensual content so people don't come in expecting it and leaving disappointed. People like you, apparently.
The game is about a guy realizing his pocket watch makes him capable of using hypnosis to grant the wishes of the girls in his life. They ask to quit smoking, and he offers that. As a side effect, they develop an oral fixation and decide to use it as a way of thanking him.
I suppose I could have named the game, "Oral Fixation" but then you might be bitching about the game not having any dentistry in it.
But yeah, don't call a dev a liar when you haven't played their game. I don't know much about you, so I wouldn't come to your work and say, "Taco Bell isn't real Mexican food! This burrito is fake!" and throw it on the floor without trying it.
I love a game where you can just be a really good guy. Might be fake but its reassuring to know that I'm not some kind of demonic being in disguise. The sexy stuff is just a bonus.
Hi, one of the best game i ever played. I wondering will you put the gallery maybe just a picture to show the scene that we already open. It seems that this game have a lot of scene that need to discover. Love the game ✌️. Sorry 4 my English.
Hey, thanks a lot! A gallery is something I've wanted to do for a while. In the meantime, The Warehouse made a Gallery/walkthrough mod you can download here
Is there a walkthrough? Last game I've play I miss a couple of girls path and I never hated myself so much (and I was too lazy to do the game again) and sorry for my bad English, I'm French and I just learn English
Hey, I'm liking the game so far. I have noticed some scenes and dialog that don't match up with the choices I made. They look like they follow a choice I didn't make instead.
You might have already resolved these problems, but I figured I would check with you if you wanted these reported and if so where would you want me to send them?
Have a great day and thanks for your time you put into the game, I'm enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would.
Sure, the game has become big enough now with all the branching paths where I'm unable to hunt down all the scene and dialogue inconsistencies and whatnot without people's help. You can email me at Thanks!
I don't know how often you check the other platforms, but I've been posting comments of typos I found on GameJolt.
However, it looks like it's probably better to post here, so I think once I've finished my playthrough, I'll copy all the typos I found into one big post and post it here to make it more easily accessible.
From reading the comments can someone just confirm or deny if it has a harem aspect to it? Couldn't really get a feel if there was or not. I'm. All for the harems.
Yep! It's in the tags for good reason. There will be individual endings for each of the main girls, but what I'd consider the main path will be a harem ending.
So just to understand is all the new content simply stuff revolving around the broken watch ending or is their more main story stuff as well. Also you had mentioned to me before that their would be an option to make Leah grow and Ashely shrink. Was that added already or is that something for later down the road? I know it may not work as you said but I'm just asking if the choice is in.
The last few updates have all been focused on the broken watch ending, and the scene you mention was added into the scene in the gym at the end of Episode 13 on the main path.
The game is meant to have multiple endings and this one was voted to be next. You can find links to the different endings after the credits at the end of the game.
I am having Trouble to hook up with haley after reinstalling the game in my New Phone. I tried following your Walkthrough, but IT Just doesn't seem to work. Am i missing Something?
Can someone explain what the Broken Watch Ending update is all about? It broke continuity for me so is there an ending where the watch isn't broken? :-/
Yep! I took a vote on Patreon for which ending everyone wanted next, and the "breast expansion ending" won out. Initially, it was going to be short and simple where the girls were stuck growing in the absence of the watch to stop them.
However, as I was writing it, I kept finding the extra storylines to explore that wouldn't be possible in one of the main endings with the watch still around, so the update kept getting larger and became about more, turning into the Broken Watch Ending.
Part two is out now 30 days early on Patreon, and the next major updates will get back to the main paths.
Meanwhile... You get the option to NTR brittany's fiance.
Anyways. I loved the game. Played through a few endings. My favorite endings was every ending that didn't have Laura messing shit up. + the brittany runaway ending, that was pretty nice after being basically forced to have a rooster the size of my forearm.
======Spoiler alert for anyone just/looking to download(ing)======
I gotta be honest, I enjoyed the game and I'll probably see it through to the current ending, but my interest was kinda squashed with all the clusterfuckery with Laura.
When it was discovered she had the watch I had recovered it, but then she immediately stole it back. I stuck with it though thinking that there'd be another attempt to get it back (again) but it seemed like it wasn't a priority any longer until meeting Brittany at the bar.
Maybe I missed an option earlier to keep or recover the watch again (If I did someone please let me know!) but after telling her that we don't have it, that Laura has it again and that explains how she had so much power and could go to Europe for a couple weeks I then have the option to hypnotize the bartender despite no longer having the watch.
Then there's the bit with it being Laura who snuck in, had sex with you while you slept and intentionally got herself pregnant.
Iunno, don't get me wrong, I like the game and think it's good. The characters are interesting, the concept is interesting, it's just those two things that kinda killed it for me. I found myself skipping dialogue to try and get back to the watch being a priority.
After the pool party I wanted to undo things for everyone, wipe the slate clean and start fresh but things went in an entirely different direction. Maybe I just haven't gotten to that point yet and I'm just being impatient but after reading some other comments I'm not so sure that gets to happen.
Loved the game, I've tried to get most endings so far but I was a little confused about this most recent update. Because when Laura gets mad and breaks the watch and then proceeds to make commands, she commands that the girls to stop being addicted to you but then later it seems that they are still addicted for some reason? Combined with the fact that I had asked Ashley earlier to stop the addictive quality. So I'm not sure if I missed something or not but that was a little confusing. I also was confused that it seems that none of the girls seem to even have any feelings for the MC or maybe I'm misreading something but they all seemed to just to be with him because they are somehow still addicted. I genuinely enjoy this game and hope I didn't come off as complaining or unreasonable just had a few burning questions.
Regardless of all that I'm hoping for a happy harem ending for the future haha. Keep up the great work and thank you for great game!
Let me start with saying that game is good, it's starting little rough at the beginning but the renders/animation/and writing gets better with each chapter.
I mostly rate this kind of VN by how much I like/care about girls and this one doing it for me, so great job!
Choice seems to matter, even the smaller one make some changes (even if only for next few scenes).
I also loved the fact that you can turn "tips" that will tell you what some choice lead too - honestly, sometimes I wouldn't guess...
At the start I have to admit that so far I did only one playthrough (with minor changes here and there) that I would call honest harem so I will say my feelings about it (keep in mind that it's just my personal feelings about it - I don't mean it's bad, I just say how I feel about it).
1st. So far the Harem thing feel nice, less forced like in some other games and more believable, dunno how it will end but I hope for happy end. Saying that I also did broken watch ending and as I liked it a lot I didn't like the fact that in one moment you are forced to make a promise (can't take second option - bad end) just to get stormed be two other girls that you didn't had much interactions with yet - so if you want to interact more with them... cheating... just don't like it, wish there was other option (obviously I don't know how it will turn out, but so far I feel bad about it).
2nd. I don't like what happening with Laura, I could get the 1st time she hypnotized MC but after my choices (when I tried her to understand) the fact that she appear to mess things in the gym again (will come back to this) in the way she do (tell everyone to obey MC) kind of pissed me off, of course I understand why this was like that form story point of view - I just personally didn't like it.
3rd. The only "real" MILF in the game, so far have only few scenes but I really liked her. The biggest blow was where I thought Ashley is really ok with it just to realize after few lines (and then confirmed by game) that's it's all because of Laura order, ugh... that's not nice, heavy blow... and the fact that she said that it would destroy her if she knew took my all hope for happy ending for Beth+harem, shame (but maybe there is some choice I missed or some [hopefully] other plans for her).
Obviously with so many choices there some weird things that pop up sometimes, for me there 2 things that feel weird.
1st. I took Jenn sub route and even thought I didn't like it at beginning I kind of started liked it deeper in the game. The thing is, at some point she acted just like normal girlfriend out of nowhere and it feel weird, but then she went back to sub again, at the gym (and in broken watch ending) she seemed to be more sub but still she feel a little off sometimes - but maybe that's me.
2nd. Brittany - when she called me to help with hear breasts she have line "You haven't called me for f since we saw each other last" that was kind of weird because I didn't had that kind of scenes with her.
Other than that, great game, keep up a good work!, Will try to support it when I can.
SPOILER WARNING. I don't intended to say anything specific about game events but just in case I'm putting this warning at the start. So something I'm kind of wondering is how far the effects of the watch can be pushed. More specifically how crazy it can get. I'm assuming that as far as physical changes are concerned it won't get too stupid in order to not be completely unrealistic. But when it comes to mental changes is that something that can be pushed to a more crazy degree since its something that's not physically visible? Also I know breasts and butts are the main focus but I'm curious if there will be anything regarding height? Based on what I've seen thus far I'm leaning more toward it not being a thing and even if it is a thing I'd imagine it wouldn't be anything crazy which is fine. But again I'm curious and wanted to ask if there are any plans for anything height related. I hope you'll be able to responded to this and please let me know if anything is unclear.
I'm going to take your lead and add a SPOILER WARNING as well.
The limits of the watch will continue to be explored through multiple endings. So far, every physical change has been controlled by the subconscious, like changing hormone levels to increase the size of the T&A and speeding up Haley's metabolism. In the next upcoming update there will be the option to command Ashley to shrink and make Leah grow. Whether or not that will happen remains to be seen.
Meanwhile, the mental limits are viewed differently from the MC to Laura. He generally thinks of his words as suggestions rather than commands and believes the limits to be softer. She believes that the watch is all-powerful. Both characters have seen evidence for their theories and we will continue to explore which character is ultimately right.
SPOILER WARNING Sounds like fun stuff, hopefully that does work because its something I'd like to see. Even more so since Leah is my favorite so far so her being taller would be fun. It would be fun to also maybe see other girls be given the option as well at some point. That's obviously assuming it even works at all but I guess will see. Either way I'm curious to see what happens next. Also curious to see what mental power it has. Given how it seemed to be able to enhance intelligence as well as increase ones ability to sing. Granted I'm not sure how crazy that will get but as you said that will be explored further. Also on an unrelated note when it comes to new updates like the watch update and any one's after that does one need to delete their current build and replace it with the next one or simply add it to the current one? Thanks for responding to my previous questions.
Depends on the format. On Windows on Mac, the game saves your save files in a separate folder so you can delete the game and when you download the next version your saves should still be there. On Android you should be able to update the apk to get the new version.
Not a bad game. Animations were a bit clunky and some of the renders were a bit weird, but story was fine. Not sure what is up with a lot of developers making MCs or other characters into booze hounds though and constantly trying to drink.
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I don't get any music or sound past the main menu, anyone know how to fix that?
That's it, after the intro there isn't any audio
Says there is no non consensual things
game literally called hypnosis...
i'll just assume it was either
1. avoiding any issues from itchio
2.there isn't any actual hypnosis (which would be cool)
3. they lied
imagine judging without even playing the game
It is a sex game called "Hypnosis",
non-consent is usually the big draw of mind control
It's been a few months since I played through the game, but there are no direct commands given during the hypnosis at all. The hypnosis scenes are suggestions rather than commands: "Your boobs will grow bigger", "You will be more accepting of same sex relationships", or "You are in love with me".
The effects are not instant, there is no forced-sex hypnosis ("You will fuck me"), and all hypnosis scenes generally last only for 3-4 lines max before the girls (or MC) snap out of it.
Honestly, this story could have the plot device be anything and little would change, though one recurring plot point is the hypnosis effects are unknown to the person being hypnotized.
Itch doesn't actually care, which is cool of them.
The game isn't really about mind control, and that's why I mention the lack of nonconsensual content so people don't come in expecting it and leaving disappointed. People like you, apparently.
The game is about a guy realizing his pocket watch makes him capable of using hypnosis to grant the wishes of the girls in his life. They ask to quit smoking, and he offers that. As a side effect, they develop an oral fixation and decide to use it as a way of thanking him.
I suppose I could have named the game, "Oral Fixation" but then you might be bitching about the game not having any dentistry in it.
But yeah, don't call a dev a liar when you haven't played their game. I don't know much about you, so I wouldn't come to your work and say, "Taco Bell isn't real Mexican food! This burrito is fake!" and throw it on the floor without trying it.
You probably put a lot of work into making it.
It's been more then 40 days since the update came out. Where is the free release?
Any sign of the update?
When will the update come out for free? Really been waiting up on this one
I am also eagerly waiting for it.
It has been 30 days or more since that post!
Loving the content from this game!
I did see that the most recent version of the game released over 30 days ago on Patreon, any signs of the public release?
I love a game where you can just be a really good guy. Might be fake but its reassuring to know that I'm not some kind of demonic being in disguise. The sexy stuff is just a bonus.
Hello, is someone know what software does this game use to make the Picture? Is it Honey Select? Please do tell me.
Hey there , long time without any updates. are you planning to continue the game or is the project abondend?
PS The game is really amazing
Update on Patreon came out today
Hi, one of the best game i ever played. I wondering will you put the gallery maybe just a picture to show the scene that we already open. It seems that this game have a lot of scene that need to discover. Love the game ✌️. Sorry 4 my English.
Hey, thanks a lot!
A gallery is something I've wanted to do for a while.
In the meantime, The Warehouse made a Gallery/walkthrough mod you can download here
Cool, thanks btw. Good job 👍👍👍.
You can try it from a different downloader on my Patreon
I came in expecting nothing and came out pleasantly surprised.
is this game still being updated on this site?
Yep! The Patreon release for the next update will be out in a few days, with the free release coming out on here 30 days later.
Oh yeah?
Is there a walkthrough? Last game I've play I miss a couple of girls path and I never hated myself so much (and I was too lazy to do the game again) and sorry for my bad English, I'm French and I just learn English
Yep! You can find it here
thanks you
hey sorry to bother but I cant quite understand what path is better to have Ashley and Leah together I still have struggle in English
The latest version has all the episodes.
Hey, I'm liking the game so far. I have noticed some scenes and dialog that don't match up with the choices I made. They look like they follow a choice I didn't make instead.
You might have already resolved these problems, but I figured I would check with you if you wanted these reported and if so where would you want me to send them?
Have a great day and thanks for your time you put into the game, I'm enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would.
Sure, the game has become big enough now with all the branching paths where I'm unable to hunt down all the scene and dialogue inconsistencies and whatnot without people's help.
You can email me at
Game crashing at hot tub. Any fix?
I was hoping I'd fixed it for the last update, but I guess not.
I'll try again for the next one
Update - I believe I fixed it for this upcoming release
There's 2 android version which one should i download??
Try version 1, if it doesn't work try the other.
They are meant to cover all the different types of devices.
Can i continue from where i left in yhe next update
I don't know how often you check the other platforms, but I've been posting comments of typos I found on GameJolt.
However, it looks like it's probably better to post here, so I think once I've finished my playthrough, I'll copy all the typos I found into one big post and post it here to make it more easily accessible.
I appreciate it! Saw those on there the other day and I'll take them into account for the next update.
From reading the comments can someone just confirm or deny if it has a harem aspect to it? Couldn't really get a feel if there was or not. I'm. All for the harems.
Yep! It's in the tags for good reason. There will be individual endings for each of the main girls, but what I'd consider the main path will be a harem ending.
The hot tub scene is still broke. I redownloaded the game and tried to progress through again and it still crashes.
I reworked the scene to avoid too many animations playing at once, hopefully that fixes the scene.
Let me know!
So just to understand is all the new content simply stuff revolving around the broken watch ending or is their more main story stuff as well. Also you had mentioned to me before that their would be an option to make Leah grow and Ashely shrink. Was that added already or is that something for later down the road? I know it may not work as you said but I'm just asking if the choice is in.
The last few updates have all been focused on the broken watch ending, and the scene you mention was added into the scene in the gym at the end of Episode 13 on the main path.
Download is forbidden on android
Thanks for this
my god im hooked ..... good job i say good job!!
So is the broken watch ending the real ending or is this a what if ending?
The game is meant to have multiple endings and this one was voted to be next.
You can find links to the different endings after the credits at the end of the game.
Hi, can anyone help me, I'm thinking about downloading this game but what's the difference between these downloads?
the game keeps crashing after the hot tub with lauren and grace..
specifically when your upstairs with Lauren. it crashes and wont let you proceed with the story.
Having the same issue. I didn't get with Grace because I kind of don't like her that much. Did you?
I am having Trouble to hook up with haley after reinstalling the game in my New Phone. I tried following your Walkthrough, but IT Just doesn't seem to work. Am i missing Something?
Can someone explain what the Broken Watch Ending update is all about? It broke continuity for me so is there an ending where the watch isn't broken? :-/
Jajaja, dont worry, bro. If you read the log, you will find that its just an endin like a test. That is like a what if... xP
As i know, its still wip to see the endings most of us want to see. Just take it easy, those endings you lookin for will come ✌✌✌
Yep! I took a vote on Patreon for which ending everyone wanted next, and the "breast expansion ending" won out. Initially, it was going to be short and simple where the girls were stuck growing in the absence of the watch to stop them.
However, as I was writing it, I kept finding the extra storylines to explore that wouldn't be possible in one of the main endings with the watch still around, so the update kept getting larger and became about more, turning into the Broken Watch Ending.
Part two is out now 30 days early on Patreon, and the next major updates will get back to the main paths.
"You won't find NTR" - ExpandingUniverse
You get the option to NTR brittany's fiance.
Anyways. I loved the game. Played through a few endings. My favorite endings was every ending that didn't have Laura messing shit up. + the brittany runaway ending, that was pretty nice after being basically forced to have a rooster the size of my forearm.
======Spoiler alert for anyone just/looking to download(ing)======
I gotta be honest, I enjoyed the game and I'll probably see it through to the current ending, but my interest was kinda squashed with all the clusterfuckery with Laura.
When it was discovered she had the watch I had recovered it, but then she immediately stole it back. I stuck with it though thinking that there'd be another attempt to get it back (again) but it seemed like it wasn't a priority any longer until meeting Brittany at the bar.
Maybe I missed an option earlier to keep or recover the watch again (If I did someone please let me know!) but after telling her that we don't have it, that Laura has it again and that explains how she had so much power and could go to Europe for a couple weeks I then have the option to hypnotize the bartender despite no longer having the watch.
Then there's the bit with it being Laura who snuck in, had sex with you while you slept and intentionally got herself pregnant.
Iunno, don't get me wrong, I like the game and think it's good. The characters are interesting, the concept is interesting, it's just those two things that kinda killed it for me. I found myself skipping dialogue to try and get back to the watch being a priority.
After the pool party I wanted to undo things for everyone, wipe the slate clean and start fresh but things went in an entirely different direction. Maybe I just haven't gotten to that point yet and I'm just being impatient but after reading some other comments I'm not so sure that gets to happen.
Spoiler alert!
Loved the game, I've tried to get most endings so far but I was a little confused about this most recent update. Because when Laura gets mad and breaks the watch and then proceeds to make commands, she commands that the girls to stop being addicted to you but then later it seems that they are still addicted for some reason? Combined with the fact that I had asked Ashley earlier to stop the addictive quality. So I'm not sure if I missed something or not but that was a little confusing. I also was confused that it seems that none of the girls seem to even have any feelings for the MC or maybe I'm misreading something but they all seemed to just to be with him because they are somehow still addicted. I genuinely enjoy this game and hope I didn't come off as complaining or unreasonable just had a few burning questions.
Regardless of all that I'm hoping for a happy harem ending for the future haha. Keep up the great work and thank you for great game!
Let me start with saying that game is good, it's starting little rough at the beginning but the renders/animation/and writing gets better with each chapter.
I mostly rate this kind of VN by how much I like/care about girls and this one doing it for me, so great job!
Choice seems to matter, even the smaller one make some changes (even if only for next few scenes).
I also loved the fact that you can turn "tips" that will tell you what some choice lead too - honestly, sometimes I wouldn't guess...
At the start I have to admit that so far I did only one playthrough (with minor changes here and there) that I would call honest harem so I will say my feelings about it (keep in mind that it's just my personal feelings about it - I don't mean it's bad, I just say how I feel about it).
1st. So far the Harem thing feel nice, less forced like in some other games and more believable, dunno how it will end but I hope for happy end. Saying that I also did broken watch ending and as I liked it a lot I didn't like the fact that in one moment you are forced to make a promise (can't take second option - bad end) just to get stormed be two other girls that you didn't had much interactions with yet - so if you want to interact more with them... cheating... just don't like it, wish there was other option (obviously I don't know how it will turn out, but so far I feel bad about it).
2nd. I don't like what happening with Laura, I could get the 1st time she hypnotized MC but after my choices (when I tried her to understand) the fact that she appear to mess things in the gym again (will come back to this) in the way she do (tell everyone to obey MC) kind of pissed me off, of course I understand why this was like that form story point of view - I just personally didn't like it.
3rd. The only "real" MILF in the game, so far have only few scenes but I really liked her. The biggest blow was where I thought Ashley is really ok with it just to realize after few lines (and then confirmed by game) that's it's all because of Laura order, ugh... that's not nice, heavy blow... and the fact that she said that it would destroy her if she knew took my all hope for happy ending for Beth+harem, shame (but maybe there is some choice I missed or some [hopefully] other plans for her).
Obviously with so many choices there some weird things that pop up sometimes, for me there 2 things that feel weird.
1st. I took Jenn sub route and even thought I didn't like it at beginning I kind of started liked it deeper in the game. The thing is, at some point she acted just like normal girlfriend out of nowhere and it feel weird, but then she went back to sub again, at the gym (and in broken watch ending) she seemed to be more sub but still she feel a little off sometimes - but maybe that's me.
2nd. Brittany - when she called me to help with hear breasts she have line "You haven't called me for f since we saw each other last" that was kind of weird because I didn't had that kind of scenes with her.
Other than that, great game, keep up a good work!, Will try to support it when I can.
SPOILER WARNING. I don't intended to say anything specific about game events but just in case I'm putting this warning at the start. So something I'm kind of wondering is how far the effects of the watch can be pushed. More specifically how crazy it can get. I'm assuming that as far as physical changes are concerned it won't get too stupid in order to not be completely unrealistic. But when it comes to mental changes is that something that can be pushed to a more crazy degree since its something that's not physically visible? Also I know breasts and butts are the main focus but I'm curious if there will be anything regarding height? Based on what I've seen thus far I'm leaning more toward it not being a thing and even if it is a thing I'd imagine it wouldn't be anything crazy which is fine. But again I'm curious and wanted to ask if there are any plans for anything height related. I hope you'll be able to responded to this and please let me know if anything is unclear.
I'm going to take your lead and add a SPOILER WARNING as well.
The limits of the watch will continue to be explored through multiple endings. So far, every physical change has been controlled by the subconscious, like changing hormone levels to increase the size of the T&A and speeding up Haley's metabolism. In the next upcoming update there will be the option to command Ashley to shrink and make Leah grow. Whether or not that will happen remains to be seen.
Meanwhile, the mental limits are viewed differently from the MC to Laura. He generally thinks of his words as suggestions rather than commands and believes the limits to be softer. She believes that the watch is all-powerful. Both characters have seen evidence for their theories and we will continue to explore which character is ultimately right.
Sounds like fun stuff, hopefully that does work because its something I'd like to see. Even more so since Leah is my favorite so far so her being taller would be fun. It would be fun to also maybe see other girls be given the option as well at some point. That's obviously assuming it even works at all but I guess will see. Either way I'm curious to see what happens next. Also curious to see what mental power it has. Given how it seemed to be able to enhance intelligence as well as increase ones ability to sing. Granted I'm not sure how crazy that will get but as you said that will be explored further. Also on an unrelated note when it comes to new updates like the watch update and any one's after that does one need to delete their current build and replace it with the next one or simply add it to the current one? Thanks for responding to my previous questions.
Depends on the format. On Windows on Mac, the game saves your save files in a separate folder so you can delete the game and when you download the next version your saves should still be there.
On Android you should be able to update the apk to get the new version.
Not a bad game. Animations were a bit clunky and some of the renders were a bit weird, but story was fine. Not sure what is up with a lot of developers making MCs or other characters into booze hounds though and constantly trying to drink.
Can't wait for the Broken Watch Ending ლ( ° ω ° )ლ
(really big fan of BE here and I love how you made such an interesting story with slow BE included )
Update: 1 or 2 days left to going public, am I wrong?
Team Laura all the way!