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From reading the comments can someone just confirm or deny if it has a harem aspect to it? Couldn't really get a feel if there was or not. I'm. All for the harems.


Yep! It's in the tags for good reason. There will be individual endings for each of the main girls, but what I'd consider the main path will be a harem ending.

The hot tub scene is still broke. I redownloaded the game and tried to progress through again and it still crashes.


I reworked the scene to avoid too many animations playing at once, hopefully that fixes the scene.
Let me know!

So just to understand is all the new content simply stuff revolving around the broken watch ending or is their more main story stuff as well. Also you had mentioned to me before that their would be an option to make Leah grow and Ashely shrink. Was that added already or is that something for later down the road? I know it may not work as you said but I'm just asking if the choice is in. 


The last few updates have all been focused on the broken watch ending, and the scene you mention was added into the scene in the gym at the end of Episode 13 on the main path.

Download is forbidden on android

Thanks for this


my god im hooked ..... good job i say good job!!

So is the broken watch ending the real ending or is this a what if ending? 


The game is meant to have multiple endings and this one was voted to be next.
You can find links to the different endings after the credits at the end of the game.

Hi, can anyone help me, I'm thinking about downloading this game but what's the difference between these downloads?


the game keeps crashing after the hot tub with lauren and grace..

specifically when your upstairs with Lauren. it crashes and wont let you proceed with the story.

Having the same issue. I didn't get with Grace because I kind of don't like her that much. Did you?

I am having Trouble to hook up with haley after reinstalling the game in my New Phone. I tried following your Walkthrough, but IT Just doesn't seem to work. Am i missing Something?

Can someone explain what the Broken Watch Ending update is all about? It broke continuity for me so is there an ending where the watch isn't broken? :-/

Jajaja, dont worry, bro. If you read the log, you will find that its just an endin like a test. That is like a what if...  xP

As i know, its still wip to see the endings most of us want to see. Just take it easy, those endings you lookin for will come  ✌✌✌

(1 edit) (-1)

Yep! I took a vote on Patreon for which ending everyone wanted next, and the "breast expansion ending" won out. Initially, it was going to be short and simple where the girls were stuck growing in the absence of the watch to stop them.

However, as I was writing it, I kept finding the extra storylines to explore that wouldn't be possible in one of the main endings with the watch still around, so the update kept getting larger and became about more, turning into the Broken Watch Ending.

Part two is out now 30 days early on Patreon, and the next major updates will get back to the main paths.

(3 edits)

"You won't find NTR" - ExpandingUniverse

You get the option to NTR brittany's fiance.

Anyways. I loved the game. Played through a few endings. My favorite endings was every ending that didn't have Laura messing shit up. + the brittany runaway ending, that was pretty nice after being basically forced to have a rooster the size of my forearm.

(3 edits) (+2)

======Spoiler alert for anyone just/looking to download(ing)======

I gotta be honest, I enjoyed the game and I'll probably see it through to the current ending, but my interest was kinda squashed with all the clusterfuckery with Laura.

When it was discovered she had the watch I had recovered it, but then she immediately stole it back. I stuck with it though thinking that there'd be another attempt to get it back (again) but it seemed like it wasn't a priority any longer until meeting Brittany at the bar.

Maybe I missed an option earlier to keep or recover the watch again (If I did someone please let me know!) but after telling her that we don't have it, that Laura has it again and that explains how she had so much power and could go to Europe for a couple weeks I then have the option to hypnotize the bartender despite no longer having the watch.

Then there's the bit with it being Laura who snuck in, had sex with you while you slept and intentionally got herself pregnant.

Iunno, don't get me wrong, I like the game and think it's good. The characters are interesting, the concept is interesting, it's just those two things that kinda killed it for me. I found myself skipping dialogue to try and get back to the watch being a priority.

After the pool party I wanted to undo things for everyone, wipe the slate clean and start fresh but things went in an entirely different direction. Maybe I just haven't gotten to that point yet and I'm just being impatient but after reading some other comments I'm not so sure that gets to happen.

Spoiler alert!

Loved the game, I've tried to get most endings so far but I was a little confused about this most recent update. Because when Laura gets mad and breaks the watch and then proceeds to make commands, she commands that the girls to stop being addicted to you but then later it seems that they are still addicted for some reason? Combined with the fact that I had asked Ashley earlier to stop the addictive quality. So I'm not sure if I missed something or not but that was a little confusing. I also was confused that it seems that none of the girls seem to even have any feelings for the MC or maybe I'm misreading something but they all seemed to just to be with him because they are somehow still addicted. I genuinely enjoy this game and hope I didn't come off as complaining or unreasonable just had a few burning questions. 

Regardless of all that I'm hoping for a happy harem ending for the future haha. Keep up the great work and thank you for great game!

Let me start with saying that game is good, it's starting little rough at the beginning but the renders/animation/and writing gets better with each chapter.

I mostly rate this kind of VN by how much I like/care about girls and this one doing it for me, so great job!

Choice seems to matter, even the smaller one make some changes (even if only for next few scenes).

I also loved the fact that you can turn "tips" that will tell you what some choice lead too - honestly, sometimes I wouldn't guess...


At the start I have to admit that so far I did only one playthrough (with minor changes here and there) that I would call honest harem so I will say my feelings about it (keep in mind that it's just my personal feelings about it - I don't mean it's bad, I just say how I feel about it).

1st. So far the Harem thing feel nice, less forced like in some other games and more believable, dunno how it will end but I hope for happy end. Saying that I also did broken watch ending and as I liked it a lot I didn't like the fact that in one moment you are forced to make a promise (can't take second option - bad end) just to get stormed be two other girls that you didn't had much interactions with yet - so if you want to interact more with them... cheating... just don't like it, wish there was other option (obviously I don't know how it will turn out, but so far I feel bad about it).

2nd. I don't like what happening with Laura, I could get the 1st time she hypnotized MC but after my choices (when I tried her to understand) the fact that she appear to mess things in the gym again (will come back to this) in the way she do (tell everyone to obey MC) kind of pissed me off, of course I understand why this was like that form story point of view - I just personally didn't like it.

3rd. The only "real" MILF in the game, so far have only few scenes but I really liked her. The biggest blow was where I thought Ashley is really ok with it just to realize after few lines (and then confirmed by game) that's it's all because of Laura order, ugh... that's not nice, heavy blow... and the fact that she said that it would destroy her if she knew took my all hope for happy ending for Beth+harem, shame (but maybe there is some choice I missed or some [hopefully] other plans for her).


Obviously with so many choices there some weird things that pop up sometimes, for me there 2 things that feel weird.

1st. I took Jenn sub route and even thought I didn't like it at beginning I kind of started liked it deeper in the game. The thing is, at some point she acted just like normal girlfriend out of nowhere and it feel weird, but then she went back to sub again, at the gym (and in broken watch ending) she seemed to be more sub but still she feel a little off sometimes - but maybe that's me.

2nd. Brittany - when she called me to help with hear breasts she have line  "You haven't called me for f since we saw each other last" that was kind of weird because I didn't had that kind of scenes with her.

Other than that, great game, keep up a good work!, Will try to support it when I can.

SPOILER WARNING. I don't intended to say anything specific about game events but just in case I'm putting this warning at the start. So something I'm kind of wondering is how far the effects of the watch can be pushed. More specifically how crazy it can get. I'm assuming that as far as physical changes are concerned it won't get too stupid in order to not be completely unrealistic. But when it comes to mental changes is that something that can be pushed to a more crazy degree since its something that's not physically visible? Also I know breasts and butts are the main focus but I'm curious if there will be anything regarding height? Based on what I've seen thus far I'm leaning more toward it not being a thing and even if it is a thing I'd imagine it wouldn't be anything crazy which is fine. But again I'm curious and wanted to ask if there are any plans for anything height related. I hope you'll be able to responded to this and please let me know if anything is unclear. 

Deleted 200 days ago

I'm going to take your lead and add a SPOILER WARNING as well.

The limits of the watch will continue to be explored through multiple endings. So far, every physical change has been controlled by the subconscious, like changing hormone levels to increase the size of the T&A and speeding up Haley's metabolism. In the next upcoming update there will be the option to command Ashley to shrink and make Leah grow. Whether or not that will happen remains to be seen.

Meanwhile, the mental limits are viewed differently from the MC to Laura. He generally thinks of his words as suggestions rather than commands and believes the limits to be softer. She believes that the watch is all-powerful. Both characters have seen evidence for their theories and we will continue to explore which character is ultimately right.

Sounds like fun stuff, hopefully that does work because its something I'd like to see. Even more so since Leah is my favorite so far so her being taller would be fun. It would be fun to also maybe see other girls be given the option as well at some point. That's obviously assuming it even works at all but I guess will see. Either way I'm curious to see what happens next. Also curious to see what mental power it has. Given how it seemed to be able to enhance intelligence as well as increase ones ability to sing. Granted I'm not sure how crazy that will get but as you said that will be explored further.  Also on an unrelated note when it comes to new updates like the watch update and any one's after that does one need to delete their current build and replace it with the next one or simply add it to the current one? Thanks for responding to my previous questions.


Depends on the format. On Windows on Mac, the game saves your save files in a separate folder so you can delete the game and when you download the next version your saves should still be there.
On Android you should be able to update the apk to get the new version.

Not a bad game. Animations were a bit clunky and some of the renders were a bit weird, but story was fine. Not sure what is up with a lot of developers making MCs or other characters into booze hounds though and constantly trying to drink.

(1 edit) (+1)

Can't wait for the Broken Watch Ending ლ( ° ω ° )ლ

(really big fan of BE here and I love how you made such an interesting story with slow BE included )

Update: 1 or 2 days left to going public, am I wrong?


Team Laura all the way!


I gotta say, the scene with Grace in episode 13 was super well done.
It definitely brought her from the middle to the top of my list, with how real she got with MC in the current situation. IMO the writing really peaked, and I was totally into it.

Great job on everything, I'm here for the long-haul after that!


Just adding my two cents to say.... I loved the direction this story went with Laura, I felt uneasy thoughout most of it. And I feel that was exactly the point, am I right?! 

Who hear wants to say they would like to be controlled even if they had their own 'Laura' do Laura things? I wouldn't.


Hey Dev, 
Please note that there are some issues with the Re'npy's latest software update 7.4.2 as I got to know it from a wonderful developer who patiently helped me out with this issue. So, please if you are using Re'npy software to develop your game &  planning to release your latest update, then please first downgrade your software to version 7.3.5 and then release it. 
Also note that if you are going to release the  upgrades to your game using the new software and if an individual downloads & installs it, the game will not only not work but your old saved games won't work either. So before releasing it you need downgrade the software to version 7.3.5 and then release.
I had to reset my phone and lose my saves from all the games that were installed in my phone just so that we could come up with this conclusion of mine. I wouldn't want any other patron or other players to go through the same process. I'd request you to explain this situation to the Re'npy developers team and get this sorted out.

Note: This is my experience purely based on Android phone with Android version 11. I cannot vouch for any other software or OS.
Thank you for hearing me out.


Thanks for the feedback!
I just checked the version, and I'm still using 7.3.5 because I hadn't updated it yet. I tend to wait on updates for exactly this reason.
In the future, the other problem that messes with saves is when using a different version of the APK.
I do my best to label the versions consistently (one or two) but I think I've reversed them once or twice.


Cool bro, I just wanted to give all the developers I know a heads up.... And it's great that you are a level headed person ever under pressure of work.... I also think that it has a little to do with the Android version 11 as well.... But it's just my hunch....

I was really enjoying until Laura's part. I really don't like how things went down specially since I felt like I had no choice in the matter. I tried to start again and ignore her but it was not really an option. I understand the explanation that was given and I don't really have much to add beyond what you already considered but I must admit I lost interest right after even with the "lighter" tone in the following episode. It felt out of place. Maybe it would be ok for me as a "bad ending" of sorts, idk


Thanks for the feedback!
I plan on coming out with a path where you can maintain the upper hand with Laura while still keeping the watch in the near future.

That would be great, cause the watch is what (i think) many of us want back in our hands so we can use it again.
Ofc its always fun to manipulate after free will, but i dont know,
maybe its just so long since we were able to change something drastically, the urge to manipualte further is just so huge. xD
When does the next episode comes out tho? :3
I think in december i somewhere read it will come out something about end of january / start of february.
But i cant find the post saying it.
So i just ask you. ^^
Thanks for all the great work btw! ♥

P.S will there be more cum inflation moments in the future with girls having the cock in their mouth over night?
cause i love these scenes :D

PP.S sry for the wall of text ._.

(1 edit) (+1)

Next update will come out here on the 19th, and it's also available on Patreon  30 days early. =-)

Awesome game. Kinda wish that the asses didn't grow along with the breasts or maybe have separate choices for the two. I think most players would prefer having more control over such things. Other than that though the only other thing was that some of the results for the  choices didn't always make sense or hold consistency. Also I'm one of the color-blind people lol so your guide is challenging  :(  I've seen other guides use symbols like * or ! etc. Either way keep up the good work. Looking forward to the next update.


For sure. Originally I planned on having more customizations with the girls, but then I realized how much time it would take to make different combinations, like having the option to choose between no changes, just ass, just boobs, or both would be four renders for each scene. 
Then you add pregnancy and other changes later on and soon it takes four months between updates.

As far as the colors, I like the idea of the symbols. I tried to pick contrasting colors for people that are only missing certain colors on the spectrum. Or I could simply add the descriptions like "early ending" next to the choice to make it even simpler.
Thanks for the comment!


Yeah. Story should take priority. It was just something that I would like to see eventually if you ever have time. I'm looking forward more for pregnancy/corruption anyways.  And I'm all about quality over quantity so no rush.

I really enjoyed the game so far, the story is extremely good and the choices really affect what happens in the game. The only thing that threw me off a bit was how so suddenly we got the watch back without a good reason, maybe I was a bist distracted but I haven't noticed when it got back into my possesion. Also the breast expansion part. No idea how large the breasts of the girls will get in future but there is a lot of talk about stopping the growth and while it does make sense logically since the premise is mostly realistic, part of me really wishes there was at least one ending where the potential future pumpkins wouldn't be potential anymore. Will there be a lot to look forward to in this category?

(1 edit) (+1)

There will indeed.
In fact, for the next ending that will be the main focus!

How i have to play it in android? Download both?

Nope! One should work, but if it doesn't, try the other.


Brittany: “You fucked her?”

MC: “Maybe”

Brittany: “What about Grace?”

MC: “Oh definitely her”

Hands down the funniest convo I’ve seen in a long time


is there any official date when the new update of hypnosis will be released?


It's looking like January 19th

How to end up with Leah? Is there a path for that?

Not yet, but there will be in future updates.


my computers says it may harm my computer if I open the file you now if there is any viruses


Virus free since '93!

I can't download both android file at the end it says forbidden and download failed

(1 edit)

download in f95

Will there be Beth and will it be impacted by the No Jealousy thing?

We'll see more of Beth in the next update, but it won't be affected by whether or not Ashley is jealous.
So Ashley will respond the same way if you hook up with her mom regardless of whether she is jealous or not.

Hey Dev !!!! Any special release for Christmas ☃️🎄....


Hey, I absolutely love this game. But I have one issue that I find breaking my immersion. After all the stuff that happened with Laura, why do the mc and the other girls still keep telling other people about the watch like it's nothing. Why aren't they more careful about with who they talk about the watch? I mean when they told Beth about it, I was kinda shocked but figured they told her cause she's Haley's mom and they didn't wanna keep her in the dark or something. But even that was a stretch for me. What was the thought process behind it? Why aren't we given any reason as to why they did that? But later on, somehow the hot bartender also knows about the watch and they talk about its uses like it's nothing new. And the new neighbour too, I didn't go  through the path that is required for meeting her, but I did see the scene when there was an option whether to see it or not. And he tells her about it as well??? What the heck is going on here? Why aren't they being more careful. This is seriously something I cannot understand!!!! Please do enlighten me, Oh great EXPANDING UNIVERSE.

This just might be the best critique of the game yet... because I don't have an answer.
Those examples probably should be optional, now that you mention it.


If you do decide to do that, I hope I haven't increased your workload too much with this comment.😅 And I noticed this because I was playing on "badass/evil" path. And it didn't seem in character for mc to talk about his watch so carelessly. Maybe on the "good" path it won't be so out of character. But yeah, on my playthrough, it did seem jarring.

Hope you can find a way to make this decision seem more reasonable/believable and give some kind of inner thought process, even if u do end up making this an optional choice.

(1 edit)

Hello, I played you game, and I have see it ask some time if we want the girls pregnant, of course I say yes to the big belly, and they say they are not ready for it, but we can cum as many time as we want in them until they look pregnant. So, it may be because I am older than the player (remembered, 3 years older than Beth's dauther), or I can take time to think of it, but if they just don't want the kid now, we can hipnos thei body to look pregnant, and maybe milk comming out of theyr boob too, every day ? (If it is not to much work)

Well, I wasn't here only for pregnant or big boob, like Haley when we stay with laura, or nippel modification to be able to fuck it, I was here to ask futa, so I...
Shit, I wanted to tell you that more softly, like telling you the girls was cute, the story was good, with optional fetiche, mostly boobs, pregnant, but also Yuri (leah and Ashley) and like that, ask for futa/Trap. Oh well, too late to not ask now, so would it be possible to add it ? By hipnos, either: to have a bigger clit on a girl, or change a man into a more girl-looking, and growing a bit the chest.

And for sciences, at "evil" or selfish paths, to know better who the pocket wacht work, and also if you want to make it a bit fantesy, trying hipnos a cat, a dog, fish, bird... to see if you can give them a human body. (Could be funny, the situation, and what you would make them look like).

And like he/she say, first date with grace, I acted like a gentleman (didn't take the BJ), go to Jenn and not to the bar, and stayed on the couch, and not got to ashley bedroom. But they still act like we have did it. Seem like my choise didn't change anything. And by the way, Beth isn't ashley's mom, and not haley's ?

What is the difference between android 1 and 2?

Compatibility. Same game, but some devices play one vs. the other better. Basically, if the first one doesn't work, try the second one. Cheers!

(1 edit)

will there be more updates to this game?
and when if yes :)  

Yep! The new update is available for $5+ patrons now on Patreon, and it will drop here on Christmas Eve.

awesome ill head over to patron now   thanks

But where is the update now QwQ


Started strong, exquisite writing, beautiful art, great characters, light and friendly just what I want from VN's. Ended in a train wreck. what makes it so much worse is how amazing the writing was right up to that point.


At the pool party, a character that wasn't nearly as "screw loose" in my play through as the narrator makes it seem does something unforgivable. Not only do we not have the power to correct it, but she was evil mastermind enough to put in safeguards. After that I started skipping ahead looking for any resolution, where I could finally reverse the awful and unknown things she did and protect others from her evil. 

Spoiler: just stop, it doesn't happen. The narrator/ creator admits that this turn was much darker than they intended and pissed people off, but the game still doesn't tie up the story thread at all. As far as I can tell, your friends remain with unresolved and unknown commands, and the villain remains at large.

It literally killed any interest in the rest of the story for me. I'd say you'd have to rewrite a bunch to get it back on track to the light and fun romp it was before, but it would be 3+ chapters of editing just to fix it, and I doubt that will happen.

At least put a warning in the announcers first intro about "btw this game takes a seriously dark turn around the pool party, stop at that point if you aren't into that, we won't be resolving that story thread" 


**Tried to be spoiler free but still read at own risk**

See, I disagree with all of the hate. The character's 'flip' wasn't that much of a surprise to me. In fact it seemed rather obvious considering all the hints that were dropped. Then again, I've dealt with unhealthy obsessive people in the past. So maybe I saw it coming from past experience. Again though, I also disagree that it kills anything. If anything, this makes me want to finish the story even more. Having an antagonist who uses the 'heroes' own power against them is a good plot device and makes the 'hero' rethink their own use of their power and if they've abused it or not as well.

Yes, this is a  'pron' game and what not, but it's still also very much an interactive story. And stories need antagonist, twists, turns, and character development to be successful and this, well, this is a good story. Even the cliff hanger and being unresolved (for now) is good because you know something is coming and there will be a conclusion and depending on your choices, well, it could be good or it could be dark as hell.

Personally I look forward to it, and I feel bad that the author gets as much crap as they do for it. Yes, 2020 has been shit and we could all use an easy win, but c'mon. The story is great. I'd read it even without the porn.

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Im not saying this even makes it a bad game, but the tonal shift is so sudden and imense it's like reading a my little pony novel and suddenly slender Man is hunting them through the forests. It could still be a good story, but you should know what you're getting into at the beginning. "Acting lessons" was another vn I would have noped out of if I'd have known the themes and direction it would end up going with.

Maybe I missed a warning somewhere, but it really ruined my personal enjoyment at least, I'm glad it didn't yours ☺️


Maybe I went a different route than you did. But there were many hints dropped. Even when you first meet her. Then you're told information about her back in school. You get to see personality shifts in a certain character when not around her which contradicts what she tried to tell you about bullying. It was very much built up too from the start, at least in my opinion.

 I'm sorry it ruined your experience. If it makes you feel better you seem to be in the majority there. I'm in the minority who actually enjoyed the shift and looked forward to more of a confrontation, which seems to have been put on hold. So I'm looking forward to it in the future!


After reading the chapter 11-12 intermission I have to say I really appreciated the drama and danger. Sure it was a bit intense, but I've played much darker. I agree that with this 2020 summer I can understand wanting to dial it back though. Still, good job! I felt a bit betrayed to have the MC face some level of consequences after the chill opening, but it got me very invested. I especially appreciate the plot device of the watch only having strong trance-like effects after multiple uses, but the MC and important characters are all included in that. (On that note I feel the use on the bartender was a bit plot-holey) I look forward to seeing how it ends!

I have questions about relationship with 5 main girl I was trying to date 1 leaving 4 out but this game still make you go with other 4 is there any way make relationship without doing harem scene?

You will have the option to end up with each of the girls individually, but most of those endings will be in future updates. So far the only endings available are with Laura, Grace, Brittany or a very short with Leah.

So, I don't know if it's known or not but I found a strange loop. I have been as rejecting of Laura as possible to test things, but I was also hooking up with Grace. 

**Light Spoilers. Maybe** For some reason the story forces me to be intimate and kind of caring towards Laura during the scene where the three of you are at Laura's house. I don't get a choice to go with Grace, and after time with Grace in the hot tub I'm forced to go check on Laura and, well, you know. Despite not enjoying the date and being as cold to her as possible.

Thanks! I'll look into it.

Thanks for looking into it! I can try to go back to an earlier save and recreate the scene and give you the save file if you want. But like I said, I basically was 'nice' to my 'enemy' and as cold to Laura as I could be and it still forced me into two scenes with her so far.

Can someone tell me how to download the android app cause not installing on my phone 

The two common problems are whether the settings to install unknown apps are on, and, assuming it is, that version might not work with your device and you could try the other one.

(1 edit)

Ty I think fix problem 1st app android probably wasn't good with  android 10  second  app I tried seem to work


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