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So for some reason this AVN has no sound for me

Yep, there is no audio in this visual novel. I asked my patrons in a poll if they were interested in it, and the majority said they didn't care.


Okay not bad but id like to see a version of the broken watch ending where the watch stays intact... Like a true harem ending where everyone is happy and doesnt care about the MCs sex with other girls... I mean it makes sense to have one when laura commands them all to obey the mc then they technically have to... Id also like a version built where the mc and crew win and laura is forgotten about or maybe the mc gets wise to her bs early and actually uses the watch to force her to be a better person


wait so has the game been updated?


no, just the page content.


Yeah the newist version released on the patreon today.

Which characters have complete paths? I haven't played in a while, sorry for asking. 

There a few different endings now, so I guess it depends on your preferred ending. But there will be several more individual and group endings going forward.


Is there ingame way to make them bewbs to stop growing?


Not in the main story itself. I originally planned to offer different sizes, but soon realized remaking every scene two or three times would make everything take far longer. Now the choice will be left for the different endings.


I've done everything I can up at this point and I love the game though I'm a little disappointed in the big boobies ending since though they did get big only Haley go super big and I thought I made a mistake with the pregnancies so I went back and made sure I encouraged it as much as possible but still not much happened with it and I was expecting more Giant milky boobs.

Other than that small detail I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to the next update for this as well as Endowed.

My main goal for the broken watch branch was to focus on the tiddies, and pregnancy was mentioned at times but not a big focus. I wanted to make sure to leave enough for the main branch.


I liked the broken watch ending though it makes me wonder what more we could do with the watch but also I kinda wish we could have seen the other's get as big as Haily

When I finished it, I knew I'd be revisiting it at some point. Probably just a scene here and there, but no matter how big the girls get, someone will always come along and ask for more. Until then, there's this

Those were cool, I have to say Leah and her friend (I'm bad with names) are my two favorite so I was a little disappointed that they didn't get pregnant in that route because I feel being pregnant might give their growth a little boost and I even restarted the game and made sure to encourage pregnancy with the two of them

In the game Files , there is a file ,,Ending,, the images in there are not in the game , right ?

Most of those are for The Broken Watch Branch, which was the last several updates.


would it be out-landish to add a height alteration aspect too?

Realistically yes, the boobs and butt getting bigger was fat getting moved around. To grow bigger you would need to promote bone growth and from where would the material to grow bones even come from??? And actually when your bones do grow it is painful, puberty is kind of an awkward period and from medical journals and research I have read the most painful part about it is the bone growth experienced in growing taller. imagine going through that growth spurt in like one day it would be agonizingly painful not to mention the stretch marks and maybe broken skin..... Unless your talking about losing height then you would just lose bone density but grow weaker idk man i think it's the right call to keep it where it is, I mean in real life people get surgeries that require their bones getting broken and then having pieces of bone surgically attached at the shins to get an extra inch or more.

my thoughts on this stemmed from how the watch could convert pain into a feeling of pleasure, so maybe it could affect the parts of the brain that monitor bone growth and thus heigth


finally a believer in the Darth jar jar theory!!

(1 edit)

Is there a more detailed guide somewhere? I tried following the one the game links, but still missed optional girls. Things the guide said were supposed to happen just didn't, making me think I missed steps the guide doesn't tell you about.


I've been going over the walkthrough again over the past few months in an attempt to implement it directly into the game itself and found a few inconsistencies, especially as some things get changed and updated over time.

Still, if you remember or find any examples in particular, feel free to share them so I can try to fix it. Like what side girl or steps it missed.

ok the harem route need the prego update please and the other harem route of the broken part as well but maybe charecters forgiveness in it like when you do ashley mom you can get them back and the luren route maybe a harem were see the main b.


Bro dont tell me the three endings are all there will be  this VS is fire tell me we will be able to humble laura

theres more then 3 route i just did them all hopfuly the dev takes some of my advice 


Really witty dialogue! Very snappy and tight, skipping over unimportant, pointless filler that other games seem to include just to pad the wordcount. The MC has a fun personality, (described by one of the girls as "fake confidence" but more often he gets called an asshole in a mostly lovable way) and the girls each have distinct character. Also, the grammar is good, which is much appreciated. Delightfully comedic, and fun to just experience as a character story. The story respects the reader by avoiding most silly conveniences, and features some character growth. Writing 9/10

The renders are fair, but the faces really suffer from lack of variety and believably, leaving no one looking actually human. Without exception, every person looks like an immigrant from Uncanny Valley, or from the sketchbook of a manga fan who refuses to study any other type of art. The mouths are especially painful to look at, since every person has the same creepy, wormy mouth with a fat upper lip. Most of the beauty the women have is achieved through expression alone. However, the sets and backgrounds are high quality, and really add to the world, sprucing up the scenes. The characters sometimes change outfits (very surprising and welcome) and some of the dialogue actually points out how strange it is for someone to have on the same clothes they wore yesterday. Most animations are well-done. Visuals 6/10

For a breast expansion game, the breasts sure don't get very big, at least until completing one very narrow ending path. The largest is merely "large, but very realistic tits," instead of "fun megatits." As the girls get bigger, they are full of complaints about it as much as anything, and the game infuses a bit too much realism for this to feel like a silly fantasy, despite so many other elements of the story being nothing but silly, unrealistic fantasy. So, if you love titties but hate breast expansion, this is the breast expansion game for you. Wholly disappointing for the fans of massive titties, who by and large don't care that the growth was 8 cup sizes when the starting point was the character's bare ribs. For instance, a girl with moderately large boobs says she wants her tits to stop growing "while I can still fit through doorways without turning sideways and squeezing through one boob at a time." It's realistic and believable, sure, but that realism doesn't add even a little bit of eroticism or sexiness. Complaints ruin fun. Like this complaint I'm making. Not fun, is it? The sex scenes are well-done, but the efforts made to avoid most (not all) non-consensual acts includes the disgusting mood-killer of "I have to ask for consent for this," without the characters acknowledging how awkward, clumsy, and cowardly that is. Much of the sexuality is "boy and girl get horny and stumble through it cluelessly," which can be great, but also suffers from lack of variety. The game would earn bonus points for it being a genuinely good harem story, if that harem story weren't relegated to the final update only accessible through one of the many endings. Eroticism 5/10

I highly recommend this game for the story. If you don't care about story, I hope this review lets you know if this game is worth your time.


Thanks for the feedback!

(2 edits)

will there ever be any bimbofication content, or is that not planned? Like, degradation of intelligence, over time or all at once, as an example of what I mean.


Nothing planned currently. I had an idea for the option to turn one of the girls into a bimbo as a punishment, but it likely would have been more about changing personal identity than loss of intelligence.

I'm far more a fan of making characters hornier than making them dumber.


are you going to make a gallery?


It's definitely planned! But I've already spent too much time working on this next update so it'll have to wait until the future.


8 / 10 for me good job 


is there way to cut relationship on a girl?


The main 5 girls are built in, but the 10 side girls are optional.


Huuuh no sound... ?

Not till the audiobook comes out.


I'm sorry if this is annoying but I'd like to repeat a comment from Endowed I made - is there any chance ever of optional weight gain content? I really enjoyed your past work with it and would love to see it in either of these games.

like augmentation to the girls? :O


I do have plans for a small amount which will fit into individual character endings. The characters in mind are Charlotte in Endowed (already have a preview comic featuring it here) and Grace in Hypnosis.

So, kinda!


OOh really looking forward to grace weight gain


first of all you put out some really quality work. well done. seriously. but I really don't get creators at all. new content already takes ridiculous amounts of time to put out when your an indi dev. but so many are like " yeah let me split my time between three or four game so whichever one(s) i'm not working on can just sit idle for literally years and people can forget all about it and me." mad respect yo but seriously y'all be nuckin futs.



I've been working on the same game for almost 4 years straight, mostly for 12 hour days and 7 day weeks. Needed some breaks in there to keep my mind intact. Could have spent it playing video games, but felt like making a new one instead.

the game wont start/ help ;<

one year anniversary of v1.0.5

(1 edit) (+3)

Darn. I missed commenting on the one year anniversary of there being no major updates.


So any plans for Rachel getting her giant booty arc?




Ass a lover of an absolutely enormous dump truck of an ass I will most definitely be looking forward to it.


I just don't understand all games work fine flawless but porn games none will work they crash over and over I definitely want to buy some of these type games I think I will enjoy the hell out of them but until I get some help fix this crashing problem I can't support any projects.  I have a Samsung tab a  android if anybody knows what I'm doing wrong or not doing I'm open to any suggestions thank you 


Most visual novels use Ren'Py for the game engine, including this one. It generally works great with Windows or Mac, but Android is more finnicky. 

So I used to release two builds so that if the first one didn't work on your device, you could use the second one. But they did an update where there's only one version that's supposed to be universal. Problem is, some devices still don't run it well.

Otherwise, there can still be error messages from improper coding (typically looking for a variable that isn't there, most common when you load an old save from a previous update), in which case you can just hit continue and it will work until that variable is used again.

When I add a variable, I typically add a default value to it to minimize those kind of errors.

thank you for taking the time to respond to me should I get a iPad for gaming I like the touch screen better than a mouse it seems like the fact that I have android really is holding me back 


Nope, iOS doesn't let you sideload apps because apple doesn't let you do anything fun.

How old is your Android tablet? Could be a memory issue, I have an old one with only 16gb of storage that's always full, so it slows things down significantly. A lot of the newer tablets have more storage and player pretty decently.

Meanwhile, the app works great on my phone. Just needs a bigger screen to enjoy it. Or could always do a touchscreen laptop.

thanks for your help I have one more question so android is more versatile than apple 

yes my tablet is old now thinking about it 2020 


I think you have some non-consensual in this game, in fact I think a major plot point with Laura is she makes some of the characters do something they didnt want to do, MP included. you even spend later parts of the game dealing with the PTSD those events give you, so maybe a warning.

I will note the game is very clear that the MP does not use any non-consensual activities, but just because he doesn't, does not mean that the theme isn't present .

Hi there i wanted to tell you that the apk does not work and i can not instal the gam


only get to see Leah mega sized in the broken watch ending, was hoping to see Ash mega sized LOL also was so damn sad for Jenn there

I do personally think the game is too long...only to see very few mega-sized anyone... And even then, you have to express repeated interest in growth otherwise the females stay similar to how they started out..


Excellent game!  Definitely recommended. 


Loving the game, can't wait for the next main update, whenever it will be


There needs to be a "spend the rest of my life torturing Laura just shy of death" option because holy fuck, I've never hated a "love interest" more than I hate her. Irredeemably awful. 


pls update this game it is amazin


The latest update is the Hypnosis Holiday Special and it's available now


I love the game but when does the next big update come out. You updated endowed 74 dayse ago. But havent touched Hypnosis since july,1,2022. I dont mean to sound mean or like im being an ass about it, you might have a lot on your plate for all i know. I am just wondering where the story goes from here after the broken watch ending. Sorry if i sounded like a complete jackass


i love the game and i hope you will continue it. 

its an amazing take that world and i love i

(1 edit) (+2)

The Game is great but can we please get an option where laura doesn't fuck everything up I'd like a happy ending where the girls are actually happy with each other and it seems kinda hypocritical that they are all you can't sleep around at all when they clearly harbor desire for each other so adding more wouldn't really be much of a problem as long as they are included in the choices of who you add that whole you can be with me and her but no one else only applies in smaller groups and that went out the window as an option the moment things went past having 3 in a relationship together.... Yes I know stds are a thing but I find their fear of them to be kinda irrational they could play the more intelligent route and scout the potential ladies out beforehand and give the MC the go ahead later or a no go outright and give a valid reason for it like Ashley not wanting to fuck the same guy as her mother if you really want to exclude incest because that's pretty much where that would end up if things went that way so its understandable to exclude it if you don't want that in the story but then why give us the option at all to have sex with her mom beyond that it be simpler to just have other girls like the sister where its definitely hard no because I never saw an option to even try and that's the way it should be for Ashley s mom.... As for the women across the hall the MC has the option to fuck her before the exclusivity agreement comes up so she really needs an option where she is included as the girls knew about her before the agreement was made I believe there is some dialogue about her before the scene in the gym with the girls where they try to fix their ever-growing boob issues which should have been fixed long before that I'm sorry but that should have become an option the moment the MC found out about it..... I know some people like real consequences but some of these are not well thought out considering the main theme is to make a harem and then the girls start imposing limits on size of said harem when the girls start feeling jealous of the others which means they wouldn't be a good fit for a harem anyway.... The MC seems to have an enormous capacity to love yet is limited by the restrictions the girls place on him which I understand to some extent but in a way the girls are also responsible for making him that way I mean they made his cum additive and if they really didn't want him to be with other girls then why keep pointing out girls for him to date which all the girls except the last one Haily are responsible for so them playing the jealousy card is kinda hypocritical when they wanted him to to begin with my conclusion is y'all need to pick harem sim or a dating SIM where you can only get one girl or in the case of Leah and Ashley two girls only and exclude the rest.... The story of this game gets in its own way its a good game but it needs a better idea of what it is... Is the goal to be a harem game or to be a limited dating sim game because you can't really do both very well in the same game without massively changing the character of the women the MC has as options basically you can't get the harem without changing the overall personality traits the girls have that make them who they are and by doing so making the MC just as bad as Lauren in which case I'd say good game if it's an option but it's not be an option id like to choose regularly..... Edit okay found the super harem ending not finished which is disappointing especially because it can only be done by letting Laura win basically seriously why can't I just not have any relations with her at all I like all the characters but her 

(1 edit) (+2)

I agree with this fella. I don't like how you're forced to interact with girls in general. You should be able to refuse them and remove them from being able to be sexed and stuff. I got the super harem ending and found it kinda disappointing you can't just clock Laura upside the head.


Oh yeah and making it so if you ignore all the other girls completely(not even sex or anything) it won't say you have. The pool party thing doesn't make sense with dialogue unless you do fuck more than two girls at it.


I actually kinda wish you could refuse to go I mean why I hate the girl who's house the party is at so build a different route where they have their own private party instead it'd be nice to have different things happen for the different choices in the game its why I kinda wish Laura could be straight up shut out of progression all the other girls are okay but Laura is straight up mean why can't the MC fix that before she goes totally bitch mode and steal the pocket watch and proceed to prove how bad of a character she actually is. I mean she is the creepy stalker type girl that is extremely toxic and 1D I'm surprised you don't find a shrine built to her love of the MC when you're looking for the watch.... Just no bad vibes all around wish I could avoid at all costs 

Is this game complete?


Absolutely excellent game. Have only played part way through but am at least several hours in and look forward to exploring the different paths.

im not getting any audio in the game is there suppose to be any?

(1 edit) (+2)

... Eh.
Watch is just so cool, the mind and soul will listen to anyones command if the look at it too long lol. Tad too distracting XD


Will the broken watch ending be continued? The Dev log says ending complete but it left on that cliffhanger with Aera but most of all after a month passed I need to know how Hayley looks, especially because she was trying to be the biggest and was already huge before the month passed. If Leah was that big then I can only imagine what Hayley looks like


Please no... It's finally over and we can get to the rest of the game. Don't temp the dev like this.


They already tempted us with this. Especially with the explicit admission that that's what's happening and the time skip and cliff hanger. That's the worst way to leave it, no conclusion and eluding to what we are all waiting for


The cliffhangers, like Aera's admission and Jenn's struggle, are meant to be resolved in the main game. The girls at the end are as big as I could make them, but there's a fanfic by Fantasy1290 where the story continues in four parts here.

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